About us.


You will find

All the services in one place

Offproblems.com  is the solution to your service needs, a guide where you can get in direct contact with the best professionals. From a carpenter, yoga classes, brand consulting, realtor, electrician, plumbers to walks for your pet, you will only find it here with just one click

You have to read this

You can save a lot of money if you hire the services of a professional to repair, build, improve, change, add, remove or simply fulfill a wish. Studies have shown that carrying out work without experience always leads to unnecessary costs of materials, supplies and time, the latter being the most valuable thing that living beings have.

Why you should advertise your services on Offproblems.com

Our advertising system distributes information directly with the US Postal Service, this guarantees that we are visually and effectively in most mailboxes in your area. Informing your neighbors that you can help guarantees that YOU are their first option and the best solution.

Why you should use Off problems.com

We take care of filtering the best professionals in your area. We link you to their social networks, websites, email and contact numbers. A recommendation that seeks to solve your requirements. At Offproblems.com we show you the face of someone who will solve your problems.

maybe you don't know

Very close to you there is a professional in your area, willing to provide a solution to your service needs. If you don’t know what to do, at Offproblems.com we have someone to give you the solution.